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OpenPGP Key Transition

From M.Eng. René Schwarz, Bremen/Merseburg
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In the light of the recent occurences in the domain of computer security, I will hereby replace my old OpenPGP key by a new and stronger key. The old key is invalid with immediate effect and I recommend to use my new one for all future correspondence. Please see my key transition notice here for further details:


Hash: SHA1,SHA512

PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT                                        M.Eng. *René Schwarz*
August 11, 2013                                          <mail@rene-schwarz.com>

                         OPENPGP KEY TRANSITION NOTICE

In the light of the recent occurences in the domain of computer security [1], I
will hereby replace my old OpenPGP key by a new and stronger key.

The old key is invalid with immediate effect and I recommend to use my new one
for all future correspondence. I would also like this new key to be signed by
other persons in order to establish a web of trust. This message has been signed
by both my old key and my new key to certify the transition.

My old key was

    pub   1024D/DA8DE871 2009-02-07
          Key fingerprint = 3124 8A0C 92C6 9129 75DB  F4C6 91C4 AC7F DA8D E871

and my new key is:

    pub   8192R/687A7D75 2013-07-28
          Key fingerprint = DC8B FE25 50F7 6FBB 05BB  5917 4B71 ED33 687A 7D75

To fetch the full key from a public key server, you can simply do

    gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key 687A7D75

or download it from my website:


If you already know my old key, you can now verify that the new key is signed by
the old one:

    gpg --check-sigs 687A7D75

If you don't already know my old key or you just want to be double extra
paranoid, you can check the fingerprint against the one above:

    gpg --fingerprint 687A7D75

If you are satisfied that you have got the right key and the UIDs match what you
expect, I would appreciate it if you would sign my key and send it back to the
keyserver. You can do that by issuing the following commands:

    gpg --sign-key 687A7D75
    gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --send-key 687A7D75

It would also be nice of you to inform me about this certification via e-mail to
<mail@rene-schwarz.com>; if you have an working MTA installed on your system you
can do this simply by:

    gpg --armor --export 687A7D75 | mail -s 'OpenPGP Certification 687A7D75' \

Additionally, I highly recommend that you implement a mechanism to keep your
keyrings up-to-date so that you obtain the latest revocations and other updates
in a timely manner. You can do regular key updates by using `parcimonie' [2] to
refresh your keyring. It is a daemon that slowly refreshes your keyring from a
keyserver over Tor. It uses a randomized sleep and fresh Tor circuits for each
key. The purpose is to make it hard for an attacker to correlate the key
updates with your keyring.

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems regarding this message
or the transition.

                                    M.Eng. *René Schwarz*

    Most of the text above was directly copied out of a template from the Riseup
    GPG Best Practices website which can be found here:

    [1] Refer to these websites, among others:
        * <https://www.debian-administration.org/users/dkg/weblog/48>
        * <http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/nistpubs/800-57/sp800-57_part1_rev3_general.pdf>
        * <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Snowden>
    [2] <https://gaffer.ptitcanardnoir.org/intrigeri/code/parcimonie/>

Version: GnuPG v2.0.20 (GNU/Linux)
